A downloadable game

Terror & Adventure in an Unforgiving Land!

The war for the world rages. It is fought between the ice and the sea and the sun and the land. It has gone for a thousand thousand thousand years, and will rage for a million billion years more.  You are not a combatant or a soldier; you are a victim - like all other life before you. A tragic accident caused by the fury of the sun and the viciousness of the sea. Worse still - you are sentient, sapient, and all else that follows. Unlike the synapsids you eat or the sauropsids you cower from, you knowingly work to master the world. You ford new paths and tread on holy soil. You interfere where you are not wanted. The world can feel you like gnats on its back. With every moment it grows more furious at your intrusions; with every second it grows hungrier still

COLD SUN is a tabletop roleplaying game about surviving and exploring a world at the dawn of civilization. You play as regular people, neolithic characters who work every day to live through the next. COLD SUN's rules revolve around the wilderness, food, survival, and the treachery of the environment. Its mechanics challenge you to manage what you eat and what you make or else face oblivion face down in the woods. 

Adventures in COLD SUN are about getting through the day, exploring new places, collecting resources to use in the future, and mastering or challenging the world itself - more than just set dressing, but a constant character that antagonizes or aids you according to its whims. COLD SUN is Suitable for neolithic-age adventuring, fantasy survival, and post-apocalyptic stories.

Written by Robert Cambias.
Page artwork by Kim Diaz Holm, denungeherrholm.com. CC-BY 4.0.


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